Thursday, December 02, 2010

Pain Frites

....December already. Snow and freezing temperatures. Finally done with my travels for this year and hoping to squeeze in some personal work before the year is over. Not looking too promising though for the lack of spare time. On my last day in Brussels I stood in line for 30minutes to buy some frites. A friend from Vancouver recommended the stand (Thanks Michael!). I had to get the "pain frites" and as you can see even took a picture. You, who have met me, probably remember that I am no huge fan of the potato. I survived  2 years in Dublin where even the chinese take out served chips with their meals and tried eating french fries with chop sticks in Korea. Back in Sydney, our belgien friend Cris was always talking about  "crusty cross bread". Finally I know what she was talking about. Great baguette (even without frites)!

Next posts. back with some drawings and less talking :)